Sunday 3 November 2019

Judges 9-12

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Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Throughout the Bible, Scripture teaches that words have power and that we should be circumspect in our speech. Our words can dramatically affect others, even whole communities as illustrated in this reading. Gideon’s son Jotham pronounced a curse which three years later resulted in the death of hundreds, and Jephthah made a vow which resulted in a tragic end for his one and only child, his cherished daughter. What about us? Do we understand the power of our words? How do our words affect our marriages and our children? How do our words affect our relationships within our church communities, work communities and neighborhoods?  Do our words slander, or do they bless? Do our words tear down or do they build up? Do our words honor or dishonor our heavenly Father? Do our words glorify His Son? Dear Father, help us to understand the impact of our words. Help us to bless others and bless You with our words. May we use our words to reflect Your love and mercy and righteousness and faithfulness to the people in our communities. And may our speech bring glory to You and Your Son.

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