Saturday 2 November 2019

Genesis 6:9-11:32

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Noach - Noah

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Scripture reveals that the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His (2 Chronicles 16:9).  The LORD saw such a heart in Abel, in Enoch, in Noah and in Shem. How blessed we are that these men had a heart for God, even while the rest of the world rejected Him, choosing rather a life that resulted in wickedness, oppression, violence and death. Dear Father, thank You for not giving up on humankind whom You made in Your own likeness. Thank You for Your patience and faithfulness.  And thank You for reconciling us to You through Your Son.  Please continue to transform us into the image of Your Son. And please continue to create in us a heart that is completely Yours.

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