Monday 4 November 2019

Judges 13-16

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Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

I wonder if Samson was a disappointment to his parents. He was their miracle baby - a gift from God. They had asked God for help in raising their son - they wanted to do it right. But Samson grew into a man with uncontrolled passions... a dangerous character trait for a man with super human strength who seemingly used it indiscriminately and who had a weakness for the wrong kind of women. Yet, Samson seemed to be just the man for the job God wanted accomplished. God did not call Samson to lead Israel in the way of righteousness, but rather to incite the Philistines. And incite them he did! Samson troubled the Philistines for 20 years. And finally, with the help of his love interest Delilah, the Philistines captured him, put him in prison and made a spectacle of him. Throughout the course of human events, God has called a variety of people to do a variety of jobs for Him. It would be so fascinating to discover how many unlikely servants were actually called to serve the LORD and His people. Dear Father, We know that You have a plan for humankind and that you are executing Your plan perfectly.  Your methods are perfect and Your timing is perfect. May we, Your servants support Your plans and not impede them. And may Your perfect will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

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