Thursday 24 October 2019

Joshua 8-10

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The Sun Stood Still

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

We are human. And in our journeys we may find ourselves suffering set-backs because of sin. But we must not let the set-backs paralyze us. Rather we must repent and root out the sin. And we must go forward -- leaving behind the sin.  In Jesus we have victory! Like Joshua, we must not be afraid to move forward and confront the next enemy. For God is with us. We must believe this. And if God is for us, who can be against us?  NO ONE!  Dear Father, thank you for Your mercy and love. Like Achan, we are subject to sin. But You give us the victory in Your Son, by the power of Your Spirit, so that we may walk in righteousness and not in sin. Hallelujah!

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