Wednesday 23 October 2019

Joshua 5-7

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The Sound of the Trumpet

 Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Even though Israel left Egypt, the reproach of Egypt remained with them throughout their 40 years in the wilderness.  It wasn't until they were circumcised, just before entering the land of promise, that God rolled away the reproach of Egypt from them. Just after leaving Egypt, Israel was baptized in the sea.  But they did not immediately enter the land of promise. They were 40 years in the wilderness.  And it was not until this time spent in the wilderness that those receiving the gift of the promise were circumcised.  Do we also spend time in the wilderness (after baptism) before receiving the gift of promise?  Must we also be tested in the wilderness before the reproach of Egypt (sin) is rolled away?  And are we also circumcised before receiving the gift of promise - though not of the flesh but of the heart? Is it only when our hearts are circumcised that we are identified as the people of God - for when our hearts are circumcised we are capable of loving the LORD our God with all our hearts, souls and might?  Dear Father, please take away from me the reproach of sin. Please circumcise my heart. Please make me your own child, so that I may live forever with you!

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