Friday 25 October 2019

Joshua 11-13

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Joshua Took the Whole Land

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Joshua and his army looked out at the enemy. They saw an unending sea of soldiers well-equipped for battle.  Compared to them Israel seemed ill-equipped and pathetic. But nothing could be further from the truth. For leading Israel into victory was the unseen but all-powerful, Almighty God. Do we believe that the same is true for us? Do we believe that despite the impossible circumstances set before us, we are led into victory by an unseen yet all-powerful, Almighty God?  In his letter to the Ephesians, the apostle Paul wrote that our battle is not with flesh and blood but against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.  I would venture to say that this is every bit as intimidating for us as the sea of soldiers coming against Israel was for Joshua and his army. We can never win our spiritual battles with human strength no matter how well-equipped we are. To be victorious in the spiritual battle, we absolutely need the almighty power of God. He will fight for us and He will give us the victory. Do we believe this? We must believe. For without faith we have no assurance of victory, for God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Dear Father, how blessed we are to be among Your people - the sheep of Your pasture. How blessed we are to be led by the Good Shepherd! He lays down His life for His sheep. In Him we are secure. In Him we receive comfort. In Him we are victors. Praised be the Father and the Son at His right hand who fight our battles for us and who care for us with a tender and everlasting love. How awesome is that!?!

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