Monday 28 October 2019

Joshua 18-21

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So They Finished Dividing the Land

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway
Of the twelve tribes of Israel, there were seven who had not yet taken possession of their inheritance. Joshua asked them, "How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the LORD, the God of your fathers, has given you?" This question pricks my own heart as I think of the years and years the same could be asked of me. Like the children of Israel, I was led out of the bondage of sin and baptized in the water. Like Israel, I journeyed through the wilderness. Like Israel, I received the promise of an incredible inheritance. And like Israel, I dragged my feet in taking possession of the promise.  I am guessing that the reason I stalled in taking possession of God's promises are much the same as those that held the sons of Israel back from taking possession of theirs: returning to the bondage of sin, bringing curses upon myself from wrong choices made, fearing the wrong entities and wrong things, and just plain indolence. Yet, as God showed mercy and patience toward the children of Israel, He has shown mercy and patience to me. Though we may falter in our faithfulness to God, He never falters in His faithfulness to us. Not one of His good promises to us fail. They all come to pass if we believe and if we persevere and endure. God does not give up on us. We must not give up on Him. "Dear Father, thank You for Your unending faithfulness, Your unconditional love, Your amazing grace, Your purity and goodness.  How blessed we are with the hope that if we don't give up on You, we shall share in all these beautiful attributes with You and Your Son, forever and ever!

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