Tuesday 29 October 2019

Joshua 22-24

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Let Us Build an Altar

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

How quickly the brothers on the west side of the Jordan judged the brothers on the east side of the Jordan of wrong-doing! They assumed that the newly erected altar that the east-side brothers built was to a foreign god and accused them of rebellion and faithlessness. Was this immediate response warranted?  After all, the east-side brothers proved their faithfulness by remaining with their fellow tribes to fight the enemy along side them in order to help them take possession of their inheritance before settling in at their own places of inheritance. Joshua had just commended the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half-tribe Manasseh for their faithfulness before sending them back to their own homes with his blessing. Yet, rather than considering that the east-side brothers had a reasonable and good reason for building the altar, the other tribes assumed the worst, assigning evil intent to their hearts. Being quick to judge someone else of wrong-doing seems to be a common human trait. Why do we do that? Jesus warned His disciples not to judge or condemn... rather pardon, "and you will be pardoned". He told them, "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful (Luke 6:36-37). Dear Father, thank You for Your mercy. Because of Your mercy, the condemnation of sin and death has been removed from us. Because of Your mercy, we have been redeemed and given salvation. Because of Your mercy we have received the incredible gift of Your transforming Spirit so that we may become Your children. And because of Your mercy, we have the amazing hope of a loving relationship with You and Your Son forevermore! Help us to have such a heart that we would desire this same wonderful destiny for all our brothers and sisters and neighbors... even our enemies. May we not only be beacons to the world of Your righteousness but also of Your mercy and love.

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