Sunday 27 October 2019

Joshua 14-17

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In the Land of Canaan

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Finally, the children of Israel were able to take possession of the land that the LORD promised to give them as their inheritance. Yet, we read that oftentimes their inheritance did not come without effort, courage and boldness. Highlighted in this reading are people who possessed these traits. Caleb, Caleb's daughter Achsah, and Othniel (the warrior who earned the right to marry Achsah) all possessed these traits. So also did the daughters of Zelophehad who bucked the male-dominated system in coming before Moses and then later Joshua to request the inheritance of their father. Their boldness paid off and their efforts were rewarded. However, also highlighted in this reading were people who did not possess these traits. The people of Joseph came to Joshua and complained that they did not receive enough land for their portion. Joshua countered that they had plenty of land. It was just going to require some effort to take possession of it. And they must drive out the enemy. This would take courage - which they seemed to lack. What about us? How much do we want our inheritance? Are we bold in proclaiming the LORD's promises to us? And how much effort are we willing to exert in taking possession of our inheritance? And do we trust the LORD in doing battle for us against our enemies in our spiritual battles? Dear Father, help us to be bold in proclaiming Your promises to us. Help us to overcome the enemies in our spiritual battles who want to rob us of our inheritance. Help us to persevere and endure the challenges of taking possession of our inheritance and may we receive the awesome inheritance that awaits the Your children, the children of the Most High God.

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