Saturday 26 October 2019

Genesis 1:1-6:8

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B’resheet – In the Beginning

Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

The access to the tree of life was taken from them when Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which God had forbidden. God had said that they could eat from every tree in the garden except from the tree of good and evil. Yet, when the Serpent craftily countered God's clear instruction using reason and doubt, Adam and Eve were intrigued and manipulated into eating the forbidden fruit. Rather than obeying the voice of their Creator, Adam and Eve forever changed their lives and the lives of all humanity when they put their trust in an entity other than God. Rather than choosing obedience to their God, they chose to eat the fruit that led them away from God and ultimately destined them and their descendants to destruction and death. The Bible is the redemption story of mankind. Praise God that from the beginning He had a plan to redeem man from their fallen state back into a loving relationship with Him. Throughout the Scriptures God reveals Himself, His righteousness and His plan for redeeming mankind. How blessed we are with the hope that one day, our Creator God will once again allow access to the tree of life for the redeemed of the earth. Dear Father, thank You for Your Son whom You sent to redeem us. Thank You for Your Word that teaches us the way of righteousness. And thank You for Your Spirit which transforms us from our fallen state into the image of Your Son and forever reconciles us to You. How beautiful our hope that the day will come when the redeemed shall once again have the right to eat the fruit from the tree of life so that we may live forever with You and Your Son.

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