Sunday 9 June 2019

Ruth 1-4

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 Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

Your People Shall be My People, and Your God, My God
Ruth married the son of Naomi (a Hebrew) and as a result became a believer and follower of the God of Israel. Even after her husband died, Ruth chose to remain with Naomi and worship the God of Israel rather than return to the family in which she was raised and to the worship of other gods. She continued to believe and follow the God of Israel. And because she made this choice, from her descended not only King David, the greatest of all the kings of Israel; but also, our Messiah Jesus, King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Ruth chose the God of Israel. And she was redeemed and blessed beyond measure. The same hope is extended to us. If we choose the God of Israel over all other gods and Him over our earthly family as Ruth did, we too are redeemed from the earth and born into His family. We become His children. We become inheritors of the Promise extended to those who put their hope and trust in Him. And we receive blessing beyond measure - now and forevermore.

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