Thursday 31 October 2019

Judges 4-5

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Link to full passage on Bible Gateway

I love that the two heroes in this story are women: Deborah and Jael. Deborah was ready and willing to answer the call from God when very few other people in Israel were. And Jael showed amazing wit and bravery in confronting one of Israel's most imposing and fierce enemies, Sisera (commander of the Canaanite army) a foe that Barak (commander of Israel's volunteer army) was reluctant himself to face. So, I guess the lesson for me is not be afraid to answer God's call, even if I don't see myself the likely candidate. And secondly, I do not need to fear the enemy - no matter how fierce it might be.  For the victory is not my own to win, but God's. How beautiful the concluding verse of the song Deborah and Barak sang: "Thus let all Your enemies perish, O Lord; but let those who love Him be like the rising of the sun in its might." Dear Father, help us to be ready and willing to answer Your call so that we may have the privilege and blessing of serving You and Your people. And give us the courage to face our enemies, no matter how imposing and fierce they may be, knowing that in our Messiah Jesus, we have the victory.  May those of us who love you be like the rising of the sun in its might.

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